Saturday, October 23, 2010

Summary Deathwatch By Robb White

Sign: Hello Kitty Aquarius

Sign: Hello Kitty Aquarius

"At last, a reform that brings us back a bit further," the Aquarius calls with light, bright voice. For the typical Aquarius statements are: ".'s Easy, and makes it" effect "We have to try the same," or be alone is not for the Aquarius, everything in society is better, nicer and faster. Cooperation, rejoice together, discuss new ideas and inventions. Aquarius is the sign of change and contrast to the Convention and of associations, alliances and Friendship. Particularly important for him is that his friends no compulsion may exist between. Make friends with the fate of Aquarius, he therefore must have the right friends.

The water is the higher knowledge, the logos, the intuition and idealism. He is original and proceeds in phases; changing transformations, where he transformed himself and the environment. The Aquarian Age is the period of carnival (= Transfiguration night), it is a time of relaxation and explosion, it sprays and gushes everywhere. The Aquarius likes to wear a mask and pretend ob

He distanced himself from the general is, for equality, emancipation and innovations. Aquarius constantly reiterating his personal character, because the free and unforced feeling of personality must not be violated.

preferred the liberal principle of Aquarius, the professions, where he can work independently and freely as possible without the daily grind. This results in even eccentric, pierced themselves as casual workers. Still, Aquarius is a fixed principle, which is going on with resistance, strength, perseverance, tenacity and endurance. But in between sudden flash Free space on. Just as the previous sign of Capricorn, he can not proceed. It is more or less the opposite of Capricorn, which thickens and things will get for eternity. The Aquarius is as dead against it. He is responsible for loosening and dispersion of solid standards. Things change and we can not solve the old problems with the same old thinking says the Aquarius. It takes inventions and innovations, so that the Biased fall off. For Aquarius can only in a world of friends (brothers and sisters), each free to develop. He enjoys working with others, will, however, that everyone can contribute his ideas and that the solutions are a joint product of friends. He opposes any form of coercion and stands up for freedom and independence of each individual on the planet. If he concentrated, he can free himself suddenly out of the confines and move on. Aquarius can sometimes act very rapidly.

Aquarius has a strong connection to spirituality. As for the love of life, he may actually have brilliant ideas, such as the social fabric can be made more just, how many individuals from a strong and just community. His ideas fall unexpectedly from heaven to him, light up, partially to fade back into a different, new, changed form of flaring up again. Reform, evolution and transformation of the constraints is his life engine. Only in rare cases, Aquarius is an egoist. But then he is interested only his own freedom, and he takes it himself with the laws and ethical matters are not quite, is cold and self-righteous, crushed all forms of morality and becomes a refined, eccentric exploiters or to a right-wing zealots. Fortunately, this variation and reversal is rare. In most cases, will Wassermann high ideal values with the earthly and connect its power is good for the Community of all. The alert and spiritually developed Aquarius is supported by spiritual values and of high human love. The opposite sign to Aquarius is Leo and is reflected in Aquarius. The Aquarius is so inwardly proud and confident of decisions once taken, he is to have little chance.

Aquarius is the sign that seeks between individuality and community in synchronicity. He wants to rise above the standards of the Convention or Replace these standards, may break even. He does not want to swim in the gray soup, but his own shimmering colors. He wishes that his characteristics are recognized and that he can make a contribution to humanity (reform, freedom from coercion). He has an idea of a good society where all people are free, as it were brothers and sisters. Where he sees a threat to his freedom because he gets out and he wants to follow his example and others, so he often organized into groups and alliances, in which he and his like-minded interests more weight can give.

tasks / Karma / Health

tasks / Karma:
The water must come through intuition and rational thought to wisdom. He should learn to live the universal love in a harmonious relationship with the organic-whole. Must learn to distinguish between ideal and reality. He must deal with the materialistic or sentient nature reconciled in terms of its spiritual qualities.

Aquarius wants to create equality and justice. But he must also recognize that no one can force them to freedom. His desire to change and to be an antithesis to conventional, is a great strength, but also one of its greatest dangers, if he goes so far in theoretical maxims or stiffened.

feeling-oriented people, the abstract setting of an idealistic Aquarius can not always understand. There is a risk, but actively participate in social life, yet what a person is very important to miss.

The task of Aquarius, the truth and to help the humanity to prevail. But this requires not only socially critical thinking, but also for understanding the mental processes of man. -> spiritual and karmic horoscope

Health correspondences:
lower legs, ankles, calves and feet, varicose veins, thinking apparatus, circulation, inner peace or restlessness.


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