Sign: Hello Kitty Scorpion
"That I must fathom", says the scorpion, penetrate, penetrate, the exploration of the mysteries of life and death. The Scorpio is not afraid to see hidden behind veils. For unfathomable sources of powerful forces bubbling up. The energy pushes the limit. Scorpio is the most poignant characters in the Zodiac, his stamina is phenomenal.
Scorpio is extremely difficult to judge, he is a demanding nature, has many, are especially inner struggles. And this interior, it considers hidden from the outside world. Secrecy and confidentiality, strong emotions, great power, these are the characteristics of the scorpion.
He is passionate, however, has usually a soft mood. Malice and high idealism lie with him but often close together. Life and death, height and depth, matter and spirit, strongest and highest spirituality, sensuality, which is the huge contrasts of this sign.
Scorpio hates superficial people. Expenditure and devotion is his life. He has an inexhaustible and indestructible strength, endurance and strength come to so he is easy to extremes, treats herself no quarter. As driven by demonic forces that come after spending days of absolute inaction.
The scorpion is a loyal man, not only in the partnership, but also to his family and relatives. If someone opposes him or his friends, he is unequivocal and he defended his family with an unparalleled consistency. He is doing this to some extent a matter of life and death, his loved ones are untouchable. Often he even sacrificed his own interests in favor of his neighbor. So much for his loved ones with scorpion full of sacrifice, commitment, so he is also a very uncomfortable opponent.
Because he makes all the intense, Scorpio is also a perfectionist. Hardly ever he is satisfied with his performance. He just wants to do better, more accurate, it must follow its strict requirements. His ambition may harden the intellect, the ideas can be very thorough and fix. And with the same thoroughness that he sees the depth displayed at once the weakest part of all that he finds in the world.
Because the Scorpio is the sign of the dying and becoming - Scorpio often makes huge life crisis and transformations by - he is prone to fear of loss, can consume themselves in envy; home pay imperiously, doubtful, debauched, fanatical, and are excessively to face even against the whole world. Virtuous sham I-forms are then to be possible to conceal hatred, passion and self-destruction.
If the scorpion decided on something, then he will pursue the target with all its consequences, yet consistent as a Capricorn. He fixated on it, and if the circumstances do not permit a realization, then he needs until he can really let go and admit that his goal is not to achieve Sun The scorpion that happens often, because he is a strategist, looking far ahead. But if it happened to him that he must give up an idea, then it can lead to a real life crisis in which he feels completely blocked, or in connection with the matter personally failed completely changed. It dies a part in it and a new part is created, until this grows back to its full strength.
The scorpion can focus its energies, it can be used as concentrated as they were a strong water jet. He can because he is totally focused on something. The result is fantastic Stamina to be able to see not more often, unfortunately, the trend alternatives or any deviation from its original idea to take seriously.
There is a rumbling and rumbling in him, sometimes he refuses to many years of development and a thousandfold arguments against a certain step. If then, the crisis overcome, and formulated a new goal, once again this is followed with all its consequences and to perfection, driven to the championship.
It is the Scorpio to be or not to life or death. Therefore, he has put no fear to face his dark side. But reflected the opposite in the Zodiac sign Taurus in Scorpio. The scorpion will indeed grow out of almost mandatory, but it will also benefit and safety (Taurus). The great need of the scorpion to prove themselves through performance and for going far beyond its own borders, he must bring to his longing for life enjoyment, relaxation and personal security in conformity.
Scorpio like pokes in holes and depressions, this especially in the spiritual sense. What interests him is burning, what happens behind the scenes, as it can get really curious, though he himself, not in the cards wants to see. With astonishing precision, he sees and senses hidden and permeates almost any facade of superficial behavior. He sometimes ruthlessly exposed and does therefore not always friends.
Scorpio does not trust so quickly. Familiar but he and his confidence is disappointed, then the guilty one finally been his friend. Since then, there is little chance of excuses do anything to turn back now. So check the scorpion like his fellows, and can tend to considerable jealousy, because he quickly found a violation of the total loyalty to him is self-idea, see.
Scorpio is very contradictory, he experiences the world it is often between power and powerlessness. Why he wants to grow beyond themselves. By imagining how something should be, can succeed in that, or just fail also because it was fixed in his mind. The saying that is the greatest victory, the victory over self that is more relevant than at any sign of Scorpio.
The Scorpio has trouble mass and center. Average everything for him is shallow water and can not therefore come into question. Superficial joy of life is it even a thorn in the side. Enjoy a good meal, yes, but but this can also hold profound discussions and must not equal to the superficial chatter drifting away, he tells himself. It's just disappointing for him when the people around him have no intensity, and he can establish a smooth appearance, as he hides his feelings to some extent.
deep are his emotions and it would hurt too much rejection if he would put himself completely open. He controlled himself and stick his cordial or unfortunately often obscured. You have a scorpion know very well, and he must already have a lot of confidence in, before the deeper layers of his emotions and needs outs himself. Very rarely you will encounter a scorpion, which simply can fit in order and does not want to do in one way or another something special.
In summary: The scorpion |
tasks Karma: He looks for the shot, the perfect result and must be, but on the exploration of the last frontiers keep from getting to auction to untenable extremes, otherwise he is in times of weakness and impotence. Scorpio brings courage and passion in life and can - like an autumn storm, the leaves - the minds and hearts of his fellow human beings muddle. He wants to know everything, know everything that reveal everything. He wants to change, Move to give impetus. The biggest danger for him is that he destroyed something which he actually loved. |
What does a scorpion, which he must do from an inner drive by acting from the depths of the soul, even if that means relentless truth. Scorpio must learn to control his extreme and also to show his fine and loving personality more.
-> spiritual and karmic horoscope
Health correspondences:
bladder and reproductive organs, sexual pain, fainting, spasms, forced problems, fistulas, hormones, menstrual disorders.
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