Sign: Capricorn Hello Kitty

The Capricorn has a good memory power and can delve into things. Diligence, prudence, patience, thrift, work and employment joy, these are the characteristics of the principle of building and construction, which is active in Capricorn. The Capricorn is one of the pure understanding people and excels by its precision. He defeated rare mistake and he expects this reliability by other. If other fallible, then the criticism of Capricorn fail most biting and angry.
correctness and loyalty is more important than the Capricorn imaginative sensations. Therefore, he is also in the figures (eg, his home) more abstract, cool and representative direction. In typical Capricorn people the apartment has seldom welcoming. Solid, heavy furniture and stone floors are quite to his taste. Clear forms without embellishment, dominate the picture.
The zodiac sign of Capricorn is very difficult to describe properly. For there are people among them of the highest ethics and fine intentions, but there is also the cold, condescending and domineering. The contrasts are enormous.
A high level of Capricorn will be for the people of the heart, a light bringer. The time of Christmas, the Festival of Lights in honor of the winter solstice falls within the period of Capricorn. The intentions of Capricorn can be highly sophisticated and they are then far away from harshness and callousness. Capricorn is opposite Cancer, who likes to have security and warmth. Cancer can be reflected in Capricorn, and if that is the case, can ibex be very fine people. The principle of the structure is then hope for many, so the hope is only through the experience of hardship at all its own power. The study of the structure of life and the laws of nature can reach out to deeper insight into spiritual or religious areas.
can reverse the sense of his noble train, but also snobbery. One does not associate with "lower", but before creeping higher ranking. This is one of the worst pitfalls of an ibex, the bias can be as a snare. As high as his ethics may be as deep, the Capricorn well just fall in the ethical sense. As I have mentioned earlier, the noblest form, so here is also an example of the lowest form of the sign Capricorn are called.
Capricorn is prone to dogmatism. This can go so far that he is catching up in public appearances confirmation from others, then rises inwardly mocking of the stupid and they think differently, devoid of all compassion, profoundly humiliated. He thinks is right, for he had quite right, and finally the majority, a serious authority behind it. Yes, so ugly, an ibex in the negative extreme form be.
But these are extreme forms. Capricorn is usually a man of character who is sincere and prudent. Plan your project carefully and his great successes to come, so often in the second half of life for flowering. Because of Capricorn passes through long effort to recognition and honor. Flyer are extremely rare. And if so, will this not rarely fall from a height. But Capricorn is always standing up and soon make new plans, the second time a more thorough approach to plan its projects better. Up he must once again how much effort may cost it as well. It can Walls break, you are invincible for others. In difficult times, he can endure great hardship, but tends - like lion - to pomp and pomposity, he is very successful, but this is usually less of egocentrism (as Leo), but more of the representation's sake.
If the Capricorn in a high, do good position, there is often one a triumphant train. Its provisions, which he likes shall make him appear adamant. He likes to keep the threads in the hand and then says, his knowledge was above reproach. But he has finally also achieved a lot. But the white mountain goat, that he must reach out to people to escape to the inner loneliness that surrounds him up on the high peaks. It's like in nature, cold and windy it is on the highest mountains, but one has a glance and can look down and be pleased with its performance. But it is really so superior? (...)
His views of the Capricorn shares with a slope with the satirical. He is not very open, on the contrary, he is closing its doors, high stiff collar, mostly tall, unausgeschmückte way. With tradition and the past he grown, and it is hard to forget past wrongs. He eats into itself, is therefore easy for him to own an unforgiving train. His emotional self can give him a narrowing highly dissatisfied train. There is a risk of suspicion and dogmatic zeal.
The cancer may reflect very strong in Capricorn. Both characters depend on the past. Cancer would not separate from several things, the Capricorn will receive proven. Both characters also have a tendency to isolate themselves, the cancer of foreign influences, the ibex of emotional influences. It is often Therefore, so that Capricorn has old emotional complexes, which he did not simply prepared. Because that can not be solved by precision and accuracy, but by openness and devotion. And that quality is Capricorn would do so much, but he is all too often in its own way and feels in a particularly cheerful society lonely and out of place.
It often takes only a certain maturity before the Capricorn refers to himself until he realizes that he's far better if he perceives his emotional needs met and the lives of more tolerance. Then Capricorn is more Ability to enjoy and permeability. Capricorn people have learned in recent years, not to exaggerate the seriousness of life, are very fine and loyal people you can count on almost always.
In Jungend Capricorns are also quite different. There are those who quite simply does not about law and order and there are those who act out of sheer respect for superiors, is barely believable. Capricorn but each will make a lot in his life. Time in the high dimensional and high times in a less form. Whether he goes in an ethical direction or a sense of social Stand. Both are important. The ethics for an orderly social life in respect for others. But the consistent leadership of society is important. The ibex energy must not deny or negative view, because even in our bodies are the hard bone necessary without it we could walk upright.
summary Capricorn wants to achieve a good position in society, so for him the understanding of these important structures. He is ready Responsibility to take and fulfill his duties. He therefore looks for clear principles which govern the performance of all in society. Capricorn is ready to submit to even this rule, since it is an ordered society possible and objectives can be achieved that would never reach a disordered society. |
tasks / Karma: |
The Ibex should make sure that his sense of reality is complemented by empathy and open the wealth of opinions and characters of many other people. It may be unusual Wisdom come. His job is to concentrate the forces of this world to aim high and think about the material out. And it needs to also open the joys of life, otherwise there is serious risk of emotional hardening that comes back in the form of depression in. -> spiritual and karmic horoscope
Health correspondences:
bones, especially the knees, skin, hardening, cold, rheumatism, arthritis, psoriasis, stress-related diseases
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