Sign: Hello Kitty cancer
with family, home, home and country of origin of cancer has to do, an indefinable longing for security, the experience is encapsulated and taken to the home. The cancer can forgive wrong, but seldom forgotten. He can be moody and resentful. history, myths and legends of interest to the natives of Cancer, also antiques. Contemplation, meditation and contemplation are peculiar to him, the soul-life will remain closed, are kept hidden from the outside world. No one is to gain insight into the soul. This sensitive person can also be a blatant egotist. The moon is in the critical aspect to Saturn, this might indicate that we are dealing with a cancer that would not be afraid to be offensive towards others and hard. In general, the cancer has a tendency to swarm, he has lyrical sense, is devoted, compassionate, helpful and sensitive deep. The Moon in the constellation Cancer is the mother-child relationship. The cancer is warm, but everything new will be met with some skepticism, it takes time until the new flavor will be met with. Thus backwardness can be felt. Typical for him is the statement: "I got used to it, I stick to it." But the cancer is contradictory, it can also have a sense of progress. He has creativity, if the setting is constructive. He wants to work with others. But a certain power in the clan, he will still (Family tyrant). The cancer is idealistic, affectionate and easily offended as well reconciled. He is a silent analyst (biting questions), but this is like comfort. The cancer is of susceptibilities, mood dependence, too many hedges and contradictions identified. He has to live real love to develop his own will and do away with the past. tasks / Karma: |
In comprehensive sense seen, cancer food means for the environment. In a corresponding way of life must not be hidden feelings and there is a comprehensive and genuine compassion that recognizes the truth about emotional events. The biggest opportunity is to focus on the essentials. -> spiritual and karmic horoscope
Health correspondences:
chest, nipples, stomach, gastric glands and juices, dropsy, gastritis, indigestion, bloated stomach, uterus, heartburn.
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