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with family, home, home and country of origin of cancer has to do, an indefinable longing for security, the experience is encapsulated and taken to the home. The cancer can forgive wrong, but seldom forgotten. He can be moody and resentful. history, myths and legends of interest to the natives of Cancer, also antiques. Contemplation, meditation and contemplation are peculiar to him, the soul-life will remain closed, are kept hidden from the outside world. No one is to gain insight into the soul. This sensitive person can also be a blatant egotist. The moon is in the critical aspect to Saturn, this might indicate that we are dealing with a cancer that would not be afraid to be offensive towards others and hard. In general, the cancer has a tendency to swarm, he has lyrical sense, is devoted, compassionate, helpful and sensitive deep. The Moon in the constellation Cancer is the mother-child relationship. The cancer is warm, but everything new will be met with some skepticism, it takes time until the new flavor will be met with. Thus backwardness can be felt. Typical for him is the statement: "I got used to it, I stick to it." But the cancer is contradictory, it can also have a sense of progress. He has creativity, if the setting is constructive. He wants to work with others. But a certain power in the clan, he will still (Family tyrant). The cancer is idealistic, affectionate and easily offended as well reconciled. He is a silent analyst (biting questions), but this is like comfort. The cancer is of susceptibilities, mood dependence, too many hedges and contradictions identified. He has to live real love to develop his own will and do away with the past. tasks / Karma: |
In comprehensive sense seen, cancer food means for the environment. In a corresponding way of life must not be hidden feelings and there is a comprehensive and genuine compassion that recognizes the truth about emotional events. The biggest opportunity is to focus on the essentials. -> spiritual and karmic horoscope
Health correspondences:
chest, nipples, stomach, gastric glands and juices, dropsy, gastritis, indigestion, bloated stomach, uterus, heartburn.
But his persistence it can be quite opinionated, closed, can seem locked in, hidden also the accumulated resources - material and spiritual.
In the work he is conscientious, thorough and practical with a sense of money. It shows most interest in art, sense of form and creative forces. He loves flowers, gardens and landscapes. He must learn to see the beauty and cultivate contentment. But most people are good-natured bull and give the other as well as some of their belongings.
tasks Karma: find |
The thinking of the bull is more conventional way of thinking, because he thinks that gives him the security. Therefore he is also loyal to their partners and often affectionate, loving it as the person concerned. The chance of the bull is in trust and appropriate responsibility.
-> spiritual and karmic horoscope
Health correspondences: exist
neck, almonds, fat or anorexia may lymphatic system, colds, late developers, including episodes of pleasure love.
Scorpio is extremely difficult to judge, he is a demanding nature, has many, are especially inner struggles. And this interior, it considers hidden from the outside world. Secrecy and confidentiality, strong emotions, great power, these are the characteristics of the scorpion.
He is passionate, however, has usually a soft mood. Malice and high idealism lie with him but often close together. Life and death, height and depth, matter and spirit, strongest and highest spirituality, sensuality, which is the huge contrasts of this sign.
Scorpio hates superficial people. Expenditure and devotion is his life. He has an inexhaustible and indestructible strength, endurance and strength come to so he is easy to extremes, treats herself no quarter. As driven by demonic forces that come after spending days of absolute inaction.
The scorpion is a loyal man, not only in the partnership, but also to his family and relatives. If someone opposes him or his friends, he is unequivocal and he defended his family with an unparalleled consistency. He is doing this to some extent a matter of life and death, his loved ones are untouchable. Often he even sacrificed his own interests in favor of his neighbor. So much for his loved ones with scorpion full of sacrifice, commitment, so he is also a very uncomfortable opponent.
Because he makes all the intense, Scorpio is also a perfectionist. Hardly ever he is satisfied with his performance. He just wants to do better, more accurate, it must follow its strict requirements. His ambition may harden the intellect, the ideas can be very thorough and fix. And with the same thoroughness that he sees the depth displayed at once the weakest part of all that he finds in the world.
Because the Scorpio is the sign of the dying and becoming - Scorpio often makes huge life crisis and transformations by - he is prone to fear of loss, can consume themselves in envy; home pay imperiously, doubtful, debauched, fanatical, and are excessively to face even against the whole world. Virtuous sham I-forms are then to be possible to conceal hatred, passion and self-destruction.
If the scorpion decided on something, then he will pursue the target with all its consequences, yet consistent as a Capricorn. He fixated on it, and if the circumstances do not permit a realization, then he needs until he can really let go and admit that his goal is not to achieve Sun The scorpion that happens often, because he is a strategist, looking far ahead. But if it happened to him that he must give up an idea, then it can lead to a real life crisis in which he feels completely blocked, or in connection with the matter personally failed completely changed. It dies a part in it and a new part is created, until this grows back to its full strength.
The scorpion can focus its energies, it can be used as concentrated as they were a strong water jet. He can because he is totally focused on something. The result is fantastic Stamina to be able to see not more often, unfortunately, the trend alternatives or any deviation from its original idea to take seriously.
There is a rumbling and rumbling in him, sometimes he refuses to many years of development and a thousandfold arguments against a certain step. If then, the crisis overcome, and formulated a new goal, once again this is followed with all its consequences and to perfection, driven to the championship.
It is the Scorpio to be or not to life or death. Therefore, he has put no fear to face his dark side. But reflected the opposite in the Zodiac sign Taurus in Scorpio. The scorpion will indeed grow out of almost mandatory, but it will also benefit and safety (Taurus). The great need of the scorpion to prove themselves through performance and for going far beyond its own borders, he must bring to his longing for life enjoyment, relaxation and personal security in conformity.
Scorpio like pokes in holes and depressions, this especially in the spiritual sense. What interests him is burning, what happens behind the scenes, as it can get really curious, though he himself, not in the cards wants to see. With astonishing precision, he sees and senses hidden and permeates almost any facade of superficial behavior. He sometimes ruthlessly exposed and does therefore not always friends.
Scorpio does not trust so quickly. Familiar but he and his confidence is disappointed, then the guilty one finally been his friend. Since then, there is little chance of excuses do anything to turn back now. So check the scorpion like his fellows, and can tend to considerable jealousy, because he quickly found a violation of the total loyalty to him is self-idea, see.
Scorpio is very contradictory, he experiences the world it is often between power and powerlessness. Why he wants to grow beyond themselves. By imagining how something should be, can succeed in that, or just fail also because it was fixed in his mind. The saying that is the greatest victory, the victory over self that is more relevant than at any sign of Scorpio.
The Scorpio has trouble mass and center. Average everything for him is shallow water and can not therefore come into question. Superficial joy of life is it even a thorn in the side. Enjoy a good meal, yes, but but this can also hold profound discussions and must not equal to the superficial chatter drifting away, he tells himself. It's just disappointing for him when the people around him have no intensity, and he can establish a smooth appearance, as he hides his feelings to some extent.
deep are his emotions and it would hurt too much rejection if he would put himself completely open. He controlled himself and stick his cordial or unfortunately often obscured. You have a scorpion know very well, and he must already have a lot of confidence in, before the deeper layers of his emotions and needs outs himself. Very rarely you will encounter a scorpion, which simply can fit in order and does not want to do in one way or another something special.
In summary: The scorpion |
tasks Karma: He looks for the shot, the perfect result and must be, but on the exploration of the last frontiers keep from getting to auction to untenable extremes, otherwise he is in times of weakness and impotence. Scorpio brings courage and passion in life and can - like an autumn storm, the leaves - the minds and hearts of his fellow human beings muddle. He wants to know everything, know everything that reveal everything. He wants to change, Move to give impetus. The biggest danger for him is that he destroyed something which he actually loved. |
What does a scorpion, which he must do from an inner drive by acting from the depths of the soul, even if that means relentless truth. Scorpio must learn to control his extreme and also to show his fine and loving personality more.
-> spiritual and karmic horoscope
Health correspondences:
bladder and reproductive organs, sexual pain, fainting, spasms, forced problems, fistulas, hormones, menstrual disorders.
correctness and loyalty is more important than the Capricorn imaginative sensations. Therefore, he is also in the figures (eg, his home) more abstract, cool and representative direction. In typical Capricorn people the apartment has seldom welcoming. Solid, heavy furniture and stone floors are quite to his taste. Clear forms without embellishment, dominate the picture.
The zodiac sign of Capricorn is very difficult to describe properly. For there are people among them of the highest ethics and fine intentions, but there is also the cold, condescending and domineering. The contrasts are enormous.
A high level of Capricorn will be for the people of the heart, a light bringer. The time of Christmas, the Festival of Lights in honor of the winter solstice falls within the period of Capricorn. The intentions of Capricorn can be highly sophisticated and they are then far away from harshness and callousness. Capricorn is opposite Cancer, who likes to have security and warmth. Cancer can be reflected in Capricorn, and if that is the case, can ibex be very fine people. The principle of the structure is then hope for many, so the hope is only through the experience of hardship at all its own power. The study of the structure of life and the laws of nature can reach out to deeper insight into spiritual or religious areas.
can reverse the sense of his noble train, but also snobbery. One does not associate with "lower", but before creeping higher ranking. This is one of the worst pitfalls of an ibex, the bias can be as a snare. As high as his ethics may be as deep, the Capricorn well just fall in the ethical sense. As I have mentioned earlier, the noblest form, so here is also an example of the lowest form of the sign Capricorn are called.
Capricorn is prone to dogmatism. This can go so far that he is catching up in public appearances confirmation from others, then rises inwardly mocking of the stupid and they think differently, devoid of all compassion, profoundly humiliated. He thinks is right, for he had quite right, and finally the majority, a serious authority behind it. Yes, so ugly, an ibex in the negative extreme form be.
But these are extreme forms. Capricorn is usually a man of character who is sincere and prudent. Plan your project carefully and his great successes to come, so often in the second half of life for flowering. Because of Capricorn passes through long effort to recognition and honor. Flyer are extremely rare. And if so, will this not rarely fall from a height. But Capricorn is always standing up and soon make new plans, the second time a more thorough approach to plan its projects better. Up he must once again how much effort may cost it as well. It can Walls break, you are invincible for others. In difficult times, he can endure great hardship, but tends - like lion - to pomp and pomposity, he is very successful, but this is usually less of egocentrism (as Leo), but more of the representation's sake.
If the Capricorn in a high, do good position, there is often one a triumphant train. Its provisions, which he likes shall make him appear adamant. He likes to keep the threads in the hand and then says, his knowledge was above reproach. But he has finally also achieved a lot. But the white mountain goat, that he must reach out to people to escape to the inner loneliness that surrounds him up on the high peaks. It's like in nature, cold and windy it is on the highest mountains, but one has a glance and can look down and be pleased with its performance. But it is really so superior? (...)
His views of the Capricorn shares with a slope with the satirical. He is not very open, on the contrary, he is closing its doors, high stiff collar, mostly tall, unausgeschmückte way. With tradition and the past he grown, and it is hard to forget past wrongs. He eats into itself, is therefore easy for him to own an unforgiving train. His emotional self can give him a narrowing highly dissatisfied train. There is a risk of suspicion and dogmatic zeal.
The cancer may reflect very strong in Capricorn. Both characters depend on the past. Cancer would not separate from several things, the Capricorn will receive proven. Both characters also have a tendency to isolate themselves, the cancer of foreign influences, the ibex of emotional influences. It is often Therefore, so that Capricorn has old emotional complexes, which he did not simply prepared. Because that can not be solved by precision and accuracy, but by openness and devotion. And that quality is Capricorn would do so much, but he is all too often in its own way and feels in a particularly cheerful society lonely and out of place.
It often takes only a certain maturity before the Capricorn refers to himself until he realizes that he's far better if he perceives his emotional needs met and the lives of more tolerance. Then Capricorn is more Ability to enjoy and permeability. Capricorn people have learned in recent years, not to exaggerate the seriousness of life, are very fine and loyal people you can count on almost always.
In Jungend Capricorns are also quite different. There are those who quite simply does not about law and order and there are those who act out of sheer respect for superiors, is barely believable. Capricorn but each will make a lot in his life. Time in the high dimensional and high times in a less form. Whether he goes in an ethical direction or a sense of social Stand. Both are important. The ethics for an orderly social life in respect for others. But the consistent leadership of society is important. The ibex energy must not deny or negative view, because even in our bodies are the hard bone necessary without it we could walk upright.
summary Capricorn wants to achieve a good position in society, so for him the understanding of these important structures. He is ready Responsibility to take and fulfill his duties. He therefore looks for clear principles which govern the performance of all in society. Capricorn is ready to submit to even this rule, since it is an ordered society possible and objectives can be achieved that would never reach a disordered society. |
tasks / Karma: |
The Ibex should make sure that his sense of reality is complemented by empathy and open the wealth of opinions and characters of many other people. It may be unusual Wisdom come. His job is to concentrate the forces of this world to aim high and think about the material out. And it needs to also open the joys of life, otherwise there is serious risk of emotional hardening that comes back in the form of depression in. -> spiritual and karmic horoscope
Health correspondences:
bones, especially the knees, skin, hardening, cold, rheumatism, arthritis, psoriasis, stress-related diseases
"At last, a reform that brings us back a bit further," the Aquarius calls with light, bright voice. For the typical Aquarius statements are: ".'s Easy, and makes it" effect "We have to try the same," or be alone is not for the Aquarius, everything in society is better, nicer and faster. Cooperation, rejoice together, discuss new ideas and inventions. Aquarius is the sign of change and contrast to the Convention and of associations, alliances and Friendship. Particularly important for him is that his friends no compulsion may exist between. Make friends with the fate of Aquarius, he therefore must have the right friends. The water is the higher knowledge, the logos, the intuition and idealism. He is original and proceeds in phases; changing transformations, where he transformed himself and the environment. The Aquarian Age is the period of carnival (= Transfiguration night), it is a time of relaxation and explosion, it sprays and gushes everywhere. The Aquarius likes to wear a mask and pretend ob He distanced himself from the general is, for equality, emancipation and innovations. Aquarius constantly reiterating his personal character, because the free and unforced feeling of personality must not be violated. preferred the liberal principle of Aquarius, the professions, where he can work independently and freely as possible without the daily grind. This results in even eccentric, pierced themselves as casual workers. Still, Aquarius is a fixed principle, which is going on with resistance, strength, perseverance, tenacity and endurance. But in between sudden flash Free space on. Just as the previous sign of Capricorn, he can not proceed. It is more or less the opposite of Capricorn, which thickens and things will get for eternity. The Aquarius is as dead against it. He is responsible for loosening and dispersion of solid standards. Things change and we can not solve the old problems with the same old thinking says the Aquarius. It takes inventions and innovations, so that the Biased fall off. For Aquarius can only in a world of friends (brothers and sisters), each free to develop. He enjoys working with others, will, however, that everyone can contribute his ideas and that the solutions are a joint product of friends. He opposes any form of coercion and stands up for freedom and independence of each individual on the planet. If he concentrated, he can free himself suddenly out of the confines and move on. Aquarius can sometimes act very rapidly. Aquarius has a strong connection to spirituality. As for the love of life, he may actually have brilliant ideas, such as the social fabric can be made more just, how many individuals from a strong and just community. His ideas fall unexpectedly from heaven to him, light up, partially to fade back into a different, new, changed form of flaring up again. Reform, evolution and transformation of the constraints is his life engine. Only in rare cases, Aquarius is an egoist. But then he is interested only his own freedom, and he takes it himself with the laws and ethical matters are not quite, is cold and self-righteous, crushed all forms of morality and becomes a refined, eccentric exploiters or to a right-wing zealots. Fortunately, this variation and reversal is rare. In most cases, will Wassermann high ideal values with the earthly and connect its power is good for the Community of all. The alert and spiritually developed Aquarius is supported by spiritual values and of high human love. The opposite sign to Aquarius is Leo and is reflected in Aquarius. The Aquarius is so inwardly proud and confident of decisions once taken, he is to have little chance. | |
summary: |
tasks / Karma: Aquarius wants to create equality and justice. But he must also recognize that no one can force them to freedom. His desire to change and to be an antithesis to conventional, is a great strength, but also one of its greatest dangers, if he goes so far in theoretical maxims or stiffened. feeling-oriented people, the abstract setting of an idealistic Aquarius can not always understand. There is a risk, but actively participate in social life, yet what a person is very important to miss. | |
The task of Aquarius, the truth and to help the humanity to prevail. But this requires not only socially critical thinking, but also for understanding the mental processes of man. -> spiritual and karmic horoscope |
But the ram also has something short, clear and precise. His walk is the marching close to what is the will to stand on their own feet. He is the typical individualist, likes to work hard, efficiently, and alone, or independent. Aries are typical phrases: "I press the matter," or "I am finished." There may be burning selfishness. The ram in tears, he focuses on the great line and less on the small things or in the decoration.
tasks Karma: |
diplomacy a ram would do well its chances of success are increased by this. His best chance is not the only consideration on new ground, but also an adequate Handlungsart. -> spiritual and karmic horoscope
Health equivalents :
head and diseases, headaches, congestion in the head, inflammation, acute disease processes, gall, heat, infection, penis, redness.
scales are based on their most popular being charming and close contacts quickly, so the position of the sun in the scale very well for public appearances. Thanks to their good organizational skills and most advanced investment they can become good strategists. In addition, scales are usually very articulate. Scales are artistic, but relevant to present. Your friendly nature has spiritual needs and size Recognition. For this recognition they go superficiality, many compromises and a softness. But scales can also be ausnützerisch and have contacts in their manipulative moves. can comfort and life in common coin to make them corrupt, unstable, capricious and inconsistent.
tasks / Karma / Health |
task / Karma: |
In the encounter with other people, the scale itself recognizes this, it recognizes the more balanced and the handling is aesthetic, the more happiness in being together. The greatest quality of the balance is the desire for balance and equilibrium. Beauty is always in the interaction of different things, be it Materials, colors, shapes or people. Nevertheless, the scale must assert himself and stand firm to make their own decisions, and truths are true. -> spiritual and karmic horoscope
Health correspondences:
loins, kidneys, hips, bladder, umbilical, rash, sweating slightly wet hands, grief goes to the kidneys.
"This is not so bad so everyone makes mistakes, that's human," says the sign Pisces with a soft, wistful tone in his voice. Or: "You can not swim against the tide," which are typical for fish statements. Pisces is the sign of universal love, devotion and loving care for others that can go up to the task of their own personality. The sign stands for the merging of the individual as a whole and because of it, is the symbol for logical people very difficult to understand. A sea of fantasies and mysterious puzzles are their own. Many deep traits remain hidden, often reveals great reticence. Pisces is in some ways not quite out of the envelope because it wants to live in harmony with the infinite and true peace with the community. The eyes seem to look into infinity. fish-people emotionally and prophetic gifts and hunches. But activity can easily turn on them in passivity. As they strive for happiness and fulfillment in all, they usually have a lavish and deep inside, so they can show deep despair and helplessness in their lives. Fish do share your activity in the service of the general public is not accepted, they are quickly disappointed and disillusioned. In some cases, that can unfortunately lead to a hardness shown to the outside to protect themselves, but misses the very nature completely. fish are not so easily be out. Like the buds in the spring do not have enough strength to open. Therefore, fish-born often unconcerned something, some even naive. to achieve your desire for the all-embracing love can easily lead to error, and then they do everything just to this ideal. Some experience pain so terrible love, from which they recover only slowly. The search for the universal joys pulls up all too easily the suffering. Fish must learn to distinguish between addiction (search) for the ideal and what is real, doable, especially emotionally and in love. If this is done, you can Fish are the most wondrous poets, musicians, artists. fish-people want peace and want to be nobody's enemy. But everybody can do that no one and in the end everything can seem very ungrateful. Nevertheless, fish would rather not violate limits and yet they want the limitless. They can easily seem completely undecided, many inhibit itself, the ebb and flow of energy and energy is many of our own. And so some fish can be well-intentioned resolutions do not meet yet. Then again, it takes hard work and everything is done smoothly and quickly. But lucky the fish is often placed in the cradle. Many famous people are the ultimate fish. Radiance can then be for the masses as fascinating as her character is himself. Albert Einstein was a fish-man, he was a physicist of superlatives, but he was also a pacifist, philosopher - and he was also an astrologer. Or Rudolf Steiner, also an outstanding mathematician, scientist and philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, or, scientist, philosopher, epistemologist or George Washington, first president of the United States, including Enrico Caruso, opera singer (tenor), cartoonist, theorists such as singing Niki Lauda, all celebrities of a special kind of fish indicated. many fish people are hurt and offended very quickly. They have a thin skin, little psychological defenses. People with Pisces and Neptune stress generally have low body tone and have therefore something not fresh. Since the exterior is not as important to you, your appearance quickly once look lax. On the other hand, there are the exact opposite, namely, when the opposite sign of Virgo in fish will be active. Often than the average of the exterior is perfect for the birthdays of 4 - 6 March before. But it goes with the fish usually are more about the inner life, which can be particularly rich. The inner qualities that they themselves often find it difficult to express, there may be overwhelmed with the real world or even to produce foam exuberant outbursts from the inner worlds. Since then use empty words and good logic, not much, the tears and the anger has to. total there are fish people are simply adorable, even if one can understand their logic of action is difficult. just increasing energy exists, then it is a true joy, his time with a to share fish-man, the world is square, and then broadcasts the hopeful enthusiasm, the fish can make a very happy. but the energy level is at the sink or down low, then one should understand the fish-born have placed. Because there is a fish-man time really won as a friend, then he is and remains a joy. No man can be so loving and be as charming and gentle, like the fish-born, if he only knows that he is his opposite in love is, no matter how he is. Forward a fish-friend so you can learn all good things. fish are not superficial and they do the last links to fathom. In your search for truth is the motivation of the world, save humanity from suffering. Them so very high, perhaps the highest ethics is proper. Your ultimate goal is to give all to really give up all, even the collective illusions and the overarching sense to know in life. | |
The main difficulty is to make ego and Egoaufgabe so that they do not act confused, but liberating. This is actually very much what people have fish-made, and sometimes then also too much and then can run emerge in dreams. But fish-people are always healthy, as long as they are looking for. Critical is it if they give up. Fortunately fish know your character and that not everything has to be logical and reasonable to understand. And within this context, fish are always saved in one or the other way. Their faith carries them, and when they leave the logical connections, fail to take, then their lives in the light will be. You are allowed to be confused, you may be desperate, but one thing you must not: give up your values and never on! |
tasks / Karma / Spirituality: The Pisces will learn to develop love and compassion, to be impartial and deliberate care and sacrifice (without spiritual pride) to apply. Highest task would be to surrender to the Divine and to understand the suffering of the people. A spiritually developed fish man is of a warm current of Empathy, understanding and compassion inspired. It is given to him by the harmony of the oneness Lichen inspired to adapt to the imperfections of human existence. In this way self-pity has lost nothing, the greatest danger is the illusion. The ability to surrender a free and developed fish people is enormous, and produces a winning system. Because fish applying for any understanding, to a degree, because it acts on outsiders, like a chameleon and conceded by the people is no character more. The fish man sees things differently, but he should always expect People - even in his next environment - its immense emotional worlds can not always follow. | |
The Pisces man gives away a lot of love, but it's also a lot of understanding needed to love him. His mission in life: to help understand, communicate all facets of reality as a consultant, lawyer, helper, healer. For him the word that people can get even and especially through service to the championship. -> spiritual and karmic horoscope |
The lion does not need based, for he is full of confidence and full of himself. He is strong and can command decision. Command it is often all too well and in a subordinate or serving position, it never feels quite comfortable. He will confirm his powers are separate and independent, and this is it a necessity of life.
The lion puts his head through, even if he must take on the world, he suffers not like other "gods" beside him, and he wants to change his plans into concrete form, and therefore it is full of creative power.
tasks / Karma : The lion wants and needs to learn on his life as he brings himself to express his wishes and to fulfill themselves through action force. The magic word is: self-realization. |
Developed lion man knows that presumptuous authority cause trouble because they do not ask for right and wrong. In the service of man or in a good cause found his true dignity of the lion, the size and warmth. A true king is a servant of his people.
The lion has to find its uniqueness and value in themselves. Love must be a source of strength. Power may not be detained, he may not after Seek power, but must have confident and secure inner power. -> spiritual and karmic horoscope
Health equivalents : heart, chest hair, back, diaphragm, heart palpitations, chest spine.
Often philosophy and travel together in Sagittarius, so the shooter is the sign of the philosophical thought and spiritual fire. In the narrow feels he is not comfortable, it pushes him away, into the distance, away from place to place across oceans and continents. Its essence is the pursuit of few to many, from lower to high in the past to the future. He will pass no problem, as is the previous sign of Scorpio the case. The simmering problems of the Scorpion come in shooting a way to clarify. Sun Protect surrounding the often somewhat mellow, he seems slightly superior, and yet this restlessness in him, is a certain something is driving him. If a shooter has met the New, it must just fly away, it's already old, already passed by yesterday.
Nevertheless shooter has a reference to the homeland, for what he has seen in the distance and experienced, he will tell others at home. Flowering stories about their experiences with humor peppered, he can be very entertaining.
The shooter always feels quickly at home, it can adapt immediately and basically he does not want to stand out like directly. Reputation and career, he often reaches into the distance, away from home. Excited by everything new, the shooter is an enterprising and decisive strong walkers and viewer. He does many things in his own thoughts and his profound knowledge, he usually reserves for itself and you can trust him with a secret.
But there is often the shooter of continuity and endurance, even if it means something like grip and takes his hand. His achievements are more virulent nature, temporarily exciting and stimulating, but then would love to do it like to finally go back. Of all the new shooter is done. And again he works with enthusiasm, but soon will return to the eternal monotony. Sagittarius needs in his work always some variety, which is in the assignment, whether in relation to the people with whom he works, or at least a spatial change.
to nature, love of animals, to sporting matters, desire for freedom and happiness are the high idealism of this character. The Sagittarius loves the freedom and adventure, he is physically active and happy a good driver. He loves to travel to important or daring yet developed area.
In substance he is more disciplined than matey, just an incorrigible optimist. But he has a tendency to authority, self-will and defiance, but mostly he is benevolent and loving human beings.
In general, he also has luck with authorities and relevant. In general, the shooter is usually correct when he his inspirations, which can sometimes be great, this and not long analyzed. He is a law-abiding life artist with vision, consider the things from above. He avoids alls, but may even have exactly this train. In the extreme case, it shows only lip service, even hypocrisy, dogmatism, and a tendency from their own weaknesses to make a grandiloquent philosophy. And in anger he may at times be quite intense, as issued and when it is over with the outbreak, it usually returns quickly back on a certain peace.
Sagittarius is an explorer and traveler. This above all in the spiritual sense. He is convinced of something, he tends to tell it all over the world rave about to preach, and so long to talk about it, listen to no one wants. He can play with his views as a small source added, "the stupidity of the other" to complain and even a board in front of the head. Spiritually idealistic aspirations may enable it to own, that it hurts those who have other evidence, one way. The shooter is responsible for justice and can be in one or another view of what is justice, no auctioneer. He knows simply that he is right. This maxim can not be only in the field of law, it can also spiritual issues, ethical issues, intellectual constructs, such as the future is to make or sometimes the idea that it's always something more entitled than others would. Thus, from a perfect shooter, shooter created quite a pain for others. He can take it another very bad if they do not follow his maxims. And it can often be difficult to forgive, can be surprisingly unforgiving, and opinionated to be applied. In many things he shoots over the top, but thanks to its free and hopeful spirit, he can not usually be angry and it is all about mostly everything from lightly.
In summary: |
tasks / Karma / Health |
tasks / Karma: |
shooters must learn to become aware of the fine and small things in life and feelings. Nevertheless, the task of protecting the world with a great momentum is forward. Your best quality is to create peace. The shooter will find answers to the questions: "Who am I, why am I here?" Recognize the understanding of the eternal truths and pass, taking time to reflect, beliefs learn to express and be credible, be neither fanatical nor negligent. -> spiritual and karmic horoscope
Health correspondences: liver, burns, sciatica, hips, thighs, buttocks, limb paralysis, arthritis.
The warmth remains largely hidden. Their reliability and accuracy makes them suitable for positions of trust. With the earth and they are rooted in the daily duty is to look out something. They are always focused on the useful. You want to take in knowledge and are of a nervous shock. |
is the life of the Virgin the fact itself to the environmental changes, integrate them and learn to set priorities. want to develop the qualities which the sign Virgo are wisdom, foresight and economic and realistic approaches. This means that real people young woman the environmental conditions have a talent to use, and not that they only have to adapt constantly to everyone and everything. The Virgin has to learn to look and without prejudice, so it can by extension mean that it can see the connections between body and mind as a primary health issue. To come to this awareness, may be the Virgin but not in permanent planning, but must allow also be able to let things take their course. Caution and suspicion are beneficial as long as they occur in a healthy way. To this health is in Virgo. serve as an expression of love (medicine, healing) are functions of the Virgin. Self-sufficiency and independence can be learned, without being for recognition and praise. |
people need to understand young women that they can go ahead only with a positive example. Your job is not petty sort, but the important thing to work out and others to help on the right track. The opportunity lies in the Virgin in reliability on the one side and Warnherzigkeit on the other side. If both qualities are equal, then the young woman principle. -> spiritual and karmic horoscope
Health correspondences:
nervous, solar plexus, intestine, duodenum, decomposition of organic nutrients, blocked colon.
eloquence, logic, unbiased interest and lively facial expressions and gestures him stand out. Twins love the cheerful and like to laugh, they are entertaining and always looking for variety. Therefore, they also like to theorize. The Gemini man is physically and mentally agile and versatile, very observant, inquisitive, funny and critical, but also influenced and restless. Due to its great flexibility, he is often torn, ambivalent and indecision. So he has, especially in the Youth, find his own way and penetrate to its core. Until then he can get lost in justifications, cold positivism and unprincipled. He often finds harmony only through conflict. He must learn his own thinking and discernment to trust, or he can get lost in a fruitless search for saturation.
The Gemini man has won a double nature and it is difficult to twins in the actual depth of the insight. He is often different than he is, is often different than he seems, he has something clever and diplomatic, can be artful, refined and sophisticated. Today, fully inspired and Tomorrow's another opinion, now promise forgotten tomorrow.
twins have a little restless and volatile, and can dance on two weddings. Therefore, the twins often point man listens with half an ear. An easy divided attention can become inattentive. Gemini has no relationship to the past, he lives in the present. The future it cold. Authorities are often not recognized. Sanguine temperament it apart.
twins learn very quickly, are approached in the occurrence and spread to much hilarity. It is fast and with ease in the focus of the company. He can tell and sent mixed fact and fiction, where everything is always provided with humor.
The Gemini-born is able to perform multiple operations, roles and professions together. He can move easily and often he changes his job several times in his life. He is alert and registered everything. He is so happy to be tolerant towards a variety of settings, each is how he manages.
The Gemini man is a human presence in difficult times and breaks the light side and the humor every now and again. This can ease the gift of the gods the twins are to other people. The Mercury (his planet) is the messenger of the gods, and without the intervention could not "food" - material and spiritual nature - are taught. Gemini is the sign of mutual exchange.
tasks / Karma : The twins born |
twins have diplomatic skills in dealing with people. This is based on the ability to understand the views of several parties and insight into new opportunities to the actual events to give a new twist. The chance of twins born is to find ways how seemingly unrelated to each other but can interact with content. -> spiritual and karmic horoscope
Health equivalents :
lungs, nerves, shoulders, arms, hands, bronchitis, pleurisy, smell.