These are dramatic news for investors. They had the shares in the fund of funds almost exclusively bought by Commerzbank AG. Which recommended the funds in many cases as a safe investment, claiming that the investment is suitable even for retirement. Now they must fear for their money. Whether the fund will ever be opened or whether it is liquidated, is now not even fixed. It is however very likely that investors would at least accept sensitive losses.
lawyer Mark Heinemann of the Association on the banking and investment law specialist BSZ investor protection law firm BGKS Gröpper Koepke: "The Bank consultants, according to several investors highlighted the special security of the Fund and the daily availability of funds Both statements are false.. And that was clear from the outset. It was previously other funds (temporarily) closed. "
The omitted reference to the risks and are not negotiable at all times, Commerzbank AG, could be liable for damages have made. BGKS Gröpper Köpke-lawyer and BSZ eV trust lawyer Matthias Gröpper: "In many cases, to be also the so-called kickback case law of the Federal Court After that, the bank manager to give rebates they receive from the exchange of shares, without request known to the. point resulting in the placement of self-interest investment. If they missed it, they are liable regardless of other advice mistakes. "
BGKS Gröpper Koepke Attorney Mark Heinemann: "concerned should seek advice immediately from one to the banking and investment legal specialist lawyer. Because in many cases could soon limitation problems ahead for investors. And barred claims can not be enforced. "
For more information, interested investors can BSZ Association of Community interest" Connecting the Real Estate Fund ".
photo, lawyer and legal counsel BSZ eV Matthias Gröpper
BSZ ® federation for social and civil rights consciousness eV
Lagerstr. 49
64807 Phone: 06071-9816810
Internet: http://www.fachanwalt-hotline.eu/
This text is the contribution from 3.3.2011 again. Possible future changes of the facts are not considered.
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