the part of the GFE and authorized by your investment advisors, the acquisition of the CHP including applied so that the purchase price contained in the sales tax can be reclaimed under the so-called deduction from the tax office. The purchase price of the CHP would be reduced by 19 percentage points. Another argument for the acquisition.
But now notice the first tax that it is the acquisition of the CHP is not a self-employed in accordance with the VAT law, but simply dealing with an investment. Literally out as the tax office back from Saab:
"The investors do not act as entrepreneurs, but as a pure capitalist. The investors are the so-called "lease" a CHP neither professional nor workboat defined in § 2 I S.1 sales tax law "operates. There is no lease, but rather a front for the supply of capital looking investment. "
The decision of the tax now has the consequence that the already expected strong unsettled investors now also with the recovery of the already received sales tax refunds must, says lawyer BSZ eV Cocron trust attorney in the firm CLLB-lawyers who already represents more than 100 investors in the GFE.
If the investors their rent bills had been paid with sales tax, there is also the risk that the included sales tax, despite a lack of business status and onward to the tax office must, if the bills are not corrected.
From the perspective of the firm's lawyers CLLB exist for investors in GFE still can:
first Examination of claims for damages against the respective investment advisers
second Test claims for damages against the men behind
third Registration of the claims in the bankruptcy proceedings
the part of the BSZ association investor protection law firm CLLB lawyers were already preparing the first action against investment advisers after they had partly refused out of court, to replace the damage caused to investors. The lawsuits are aimed at reversal of the respective contracts. Investors are trained to be treated as if they had never acquired the CHP.
"Until now none of the investors we represent, get the CHP ordered him to face," explains Lawyer and legal counsel BSZ eV Cocron further. The Nuremberg prosecutors is still made by a commercial fraud in the matter, reported the local press.
concerned investors may participate in the community of interest "GFE" in BSZ eV
. Photo: Lawyer and BSZ eV trust lawyer István Cocron
. Photo: Lawyer and BSZ eV trust lawyer István Cocron
BSZ ® federation for social and civil rights consciousness eV
Lagerstr. 49
64807 Phone: 06071-9816810
Internet: http://www.fachanwalt-hotline.eu/
This text is the contribution from 3.7.2011 again. Possible future changes of the facts are not considered
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