In one of the BSZ association investor protection law firm CLLB-Legal this letter to the intermediary of 24/02/2004 is suggested to investors that there is a "right" law firm for their concerns. It is said in the letter of business: The firm will represent you legally XY. (...) About the conditions you could possibly provide information directly to attorney XY. "
from the recommendations gives no indication of whether the recommended lawyer with the marketing company and thus a potential liability enemy of the investor at an attorney-client relationship is. If this were the case, the lawyer seeking compensation for the investor no longer against the investment adviser claims. A major disadvantage for investors! Investors should ask when contacting the lawyer recommended by the distributor must, whether this is related to the investment advisor and / or distribution company in a contractual relationship.
should continue to be confirmed by the lawyer of the investors in writing that this test, the claims against the advisers and the distributors and if necessary, can enforce.
general: Can not the attorney you recommended action against any promising opponent or will he just against the person who recommended the lawyer did not do is to caution offered! Legal expenses insurance that is usually paid a lawyer bills and a second procedure to later proceed in a subsequent case against the consultant! Therefore, the same should be asked a lawyer who can act against any conceivable opponent without any restrictions and will be.
can For more information follow investors concerned the BSZ eV community of interest "Munich Fund .
BSZ ® federation for social and civil rights consciousness eV
Lagerstr. 49
Phone : 06071-9816810
Internet: http://www.fachanwalt-hotline.eu/
Source: © Thommy Weis / PIXELIO http://www.pixelio.de/
This text is the contribution from 3.2.2011 again. Possible future changes of the facts are not considered.
This text is the contribution from 3.2.2011 again. Possible future changes of the facts are not considered.
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