Between our last stop on the Murray River and the next destination, the Great Ocean Road along the coast between Adelaide and Melbourne are, once again, some 100 kilometers, which we have no choice but to take to the dogs. Which is devoted to a driving 01.12.2009 day. After exercise and sun-drenched Driving break in the flow we need to get used again to the sight of seemingly endless asphalt ribbon. The path leads through wide agricultural and viticulture area towards the border to Victoria. In Mt Gambier
we do lunch. It is a typical Australian town. The long entry and exit roads are dominated by countless huts of various fast-food chains. The unhealthy America imported food culture in this country seems to be related to a lively response. Many people see the bad eating habits to be seen miles, along the lines of: "there are people who are just too small for their weight." The problem is that they can not be so great that the Ratio length / width're right! Mt Gambier
but still has a small volcanic crater to offer, in which there is a lake as water reservoir. The Blue Lake - makes up to its name - follows shimmering blue, as if someone had poured tons royal blue ink. No usual blue, just like water shimmers. The scholars are to this day, however, do not realize what circumstances the lake due to its special coloring. Anyway, we packed our camping kitchen and take a short lunch overlooking the lake.
Then we go on and on. Until the end that the speedometer indicates a day trip of just under 600 km and the Sun on the horizon slowly disappears. Time to find a place to sleep, what turned out in the relatively densely populated area on the border between South Australia and Victoria as not easy. Most campgrounds are "fully booked" and actually we have no desire for a camping place, we do anyway to stay only 10 hours. Since we have the dollars are too good. So to speak, as a last resort and as a makeshift solution, we control to a rest area that is usually used for heavy trucks for the night break. The place is still behind some bushes, but right on the street. We slip into bed and are glad when it's morning. It turns out to be the worst Nächtigungsort out we have ever approached. All night the thunder heavy trucks with 100 km / h past our dwelling, one gets the feeling that they'll drive straight through the "bedroom" - ugly! Ans sleep or slumber is superficial to think only with earplugs. Clock in the morning at 05.30 we have enough from the noise, make us ready to leave and cut off.
Soon we cross the border to Victoria, and are approaching the Great Ocean Road. This is a very impressive section on Australia's south coast. The rough waters of the Southern Ocean have in this area for thousands of magnificent and picturesque rock formations in the soft Sand and limestone modeled. The Great Ocean Road is the most photographed stretch of coastline in Australia. Correspondingly high is the tourist rate.
Due or better thanks to our early reveille we already shortly before 8 clock at the first sight. In the soft morning light, we see the rocks washed by the sea of the Bay of Iceland. On we go past the famous structure of the "London Bridge", a rocky arch bridge that once connected to the mainland. In 1990 the land connecting part in heavy seas in the roaring sea waves crashed. Two on the "island arc" located tourists had to be rescued by helicopter, after the land connection was abruptly interrupted! The grand finale
this really super-spectacular rocky coastline, we will experience the "Twelve Apostles". At one time there were twelve pinnacles, which were lined up from the water. Today, it still only 8 vertical boulders left. The rest have all the time on the base gnawing waves - and the waves are really roaring! - For ever sunk in the sea. At some point the ocean all the "Apostles" have brought to him and instead left new in soft rock formations and wild. An example of the incredible erosion forces of pressure and time, such as water and Wind constantly rubbing on the material, thus leaving much more grandiose structures or sculptures. The art of nature.
We experience the lookout for this section of the Great Ocean Road at the very best weather conditions. Deep blue, cloudless sky and hot temperatures. Anything for granted, especially in this stretch of coastline, also called "Shipwreck Coast" is named. No wonder, some 70 - 80 ship accidents have happened here the end of the nineteenth century, as the masters of the heavy seas and the rapidly changing weather of the end of Bass Strait have been underestimated. Thus, their boats have been pressed by the raging waters of the ocean against the rock cliffs, where they were crushed.
At noon we have admired the highlights of the Great Ocean Road to thoroughly and then we put ourselves in the afternoon in the beautiful - but unfortunately a bit crowded - Port Campbell to the beach and enjoy the heat and the sea. Then we make our turn to roost search. This time we want to leisurely stay for as as we were last night possible! During our morning tour of the sights we are always bumpy cobbles and random street noticed that lead away from the road to the cliff edge. One of them we tested and it actually leads directly to the presumed target. perfect place to stay, and absolutely "Tourist free"! 100 m from the cliff edge overlooking the spectacular coastal scenery and a couple of hours, dip the sun as a blazing fireball before our eyes into the sea. Since we stay! After extensive Nachmittagssiesta and enjoyable dinner, we marvel at the advertised play, as it is actually repeated every day and yet in this place incredibly impressive displays. An increasingly "redder" expectant Glutkugel approaches the water until it seems to melt away and it finally turned the sky into a brightly colored veils. For this, the sound of gnawing on the rocky cliffs waves. And in the middle then we lay to rest. Thus, the But difficult world in order!
The heat of the day we have all tasted special. For days - or weeks - the thermometer again showed values around 35 degrees and finally rested for once, the crushing heat and biting evening becoming southwest. Finally, once again all day in shorts, no sweater or fleece to bed rest. This keeps it should ...
the morning we do then, however, fluctuations in the weather. The sky is overcast and it blows this snappy-cold southwest wind on the unprotected coast, rocky plateau. An arctic wind, which also comes from there! With fleece and closed shoes, we control the Landi again main route in order to proceed. The twisting and sometimes almost serpentine good coastal road we follow to the east towards Melbourne. In Apollo Bay we left the beaten path north into the interior, in the forests of the Great Otway National Park. A huge rain forest with streams and rolling hills. Two kilometers from the coast, we believe we are in the midst of the "original" Switzerland ". Yet how opposites can be attractive! On unpaved forest roads we drive to an idyllic campsite, where we look first at a small walk to the Stevenson-represented if the tired legs from sitting. Then we spread ourselves over a wide area for camping out, set up our home and make a big bonfire for a comfortable "outdoor" atmosphere. It feels like a vacation! :-)
faster than we chased the sun is again the quiet forest night. Next we have to keep course east, towards Melbourne, the capital of the State of Victoria (after Sydney's second largest city of the continent). Before we make a stop in Turquay, a "surf hotspot, located where all major brands of well-known clothing industry. Imagine how the greedy mass is presented in countless square feet of shop space surf and leisure wear. This time, we can resist us, however, an expensive shopping spree!
The next stop we put in Geelong, a minor tourist suburb of Melbourne, while second-largest city in the state. We must once again fill our pantry, what we do in the local supermarket. Then we go for recreation and urban green space next to a river, where there are tables, benches and spacious meadow plants. First of aperitif and after a quick supper before we go to a nightcap in the city again and take care of our web-stories at a hotel bar. And tomorrow's drive towards Melbourne. A city that we, however - including lack of time - not have in our travel planning diary. Let's see if we find the way around, or if we still proceed.
We hope you have the contrast between coast and hinterland when viewing the gallery can also experience something fun and it has made you to follow our footsteps. Your positive feedback to us very motivated to keep our blog as current as possible. Many thanks and see you next time!
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Gallery Great Ocean Road and Great Otway NP |
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