late afternoon meeting of 07/01/2009 So we are a in Adelaide. Before we provide, we already stuck in the middle of the city. Not quite as far as sweeping access roads in Perth - European halt - but also no chaos as seen in major European cities, unfortunately, often encounters. Despite numerous traffic lights's stuck anywhere.
we are vested by the city traffic and on the passenger seat, there's even an opportunity for candid photography. After a turn, "sau-long" day trip we keep straight course to Glenelg, a suburb by the sea. Time to get out and drink comfortably to work day an aperitif. On the way across town to the sea we are in search of a suitable Area for future overnight lookout. Arrive between the tennis and cricket club's beautiful screened a small public parking under tall trees. A not inappropriate place, we find!
Glenelg is in Adelaide as a "model district" right at the beach. There are numerous apartment houses, where are the "Servelat celebrities" come together. To our taste it has consumed there something much more concrete, and the oversized block may lack a certain comfort. Nevertheless, we find in the bustling pedestrian area a nice place for a drink of white wine. After several days, 2,000 km Travel section then it tastes especially good! On your first evening we let it go well for us and treat us weeks're planning a really delicious Italian pizza. After a leisurely evening at the scene of Glenelg we drive through the night of the Adelaide metropolitan area to our previously reconnoitred place to sleep, undisturbed slumber where we meet the next morning.
It is an early reveille on the agenda: we must bring our car to the previously agreed service. At times we make in the morning traffic on the workshop, which can be found in view of the chessboard-like layout of the city easily in conjunction with suitable maps. In general, the orientation – wie schon in Perth – einfach und man findet sich schnell zurecht. Nicht zuletzt auch dank des perfekt funktionierenden „Navigationssystems“ auf dem Beifahrersitz! So liefern wir den Land-Cruiser zum Service ab und machen uns per Bus auf den Weg in die Innenstadt. Mitten drin werden wir abgesetzt. Die perfekte Tageszeit – morgens um 9.30 Uhr – durch die City zu schlendern. Angenehme Temperaturen und angenehm frequentiert.
Adelaide, die Hauptstadt des Bundesstaates „South Australia“ mit 1,4 Mio Einwohnern gilt als die europäischste aller australischen Städte. Und zwar nicht wegen ihres Grundrisses, sondern durch das europäisch geprägte Flair von Einwanderern Ende des vorletzten Jahrhunderts. Above all, German (or East Germans), Italian, and British immigrants of the city have left the stamp. So there are many churches that were created in the traditional architectural styles of the "old days". The plan of the inner city is the way a geometrically perfect square. All lateral boundary lines, the North, South, East and West Terrace are exactly one mile long. In between are the "block system" is also measured with a ruler.
After a leisurely Flanierrunde by shopping malls, cafes and street entertainers passages it quick lunch and we have to pick up our traveling companion of the inspection. Everything works perfectly; Landi gets new oil, a new oil filter and new brakes on the front axle. The bill is paid by the landlord. It fits. Now, again individually motorized
we cross again to the city. After the fun at the shopping mall after all we want to see some more of the city. At first it draws us into the Botanic Garden, a far-sweeping green belt, which breaks up the concrete canyons extremely pleasant. At the Torrens River, which flows through the middle of Adelaide, we enjoy the beautiful views of the city and it is looking for the best location for the imaging documentation. Then it's off to Montefiore Hill, where a statue of Colonel Sir William Light watches over the city. Sir W. Light founded the city in 1831 on behalf of the British crown and named it after the name of his wife. He was also the one who was responsible for the perfectly designed floor plan symmetry.
After - by our standards! - Quite intensive Stadttag we go to the aperitif to North Adelaide is discussed where the additional time and route planning. We are unanimously of the opinion that the big-city lust is already satisfied. It pulls us back into lonely, less bustling areas ..., some place far away from the city noise.
serious research, we know from that in the hinterland of Adelaide's Murray River, the longest 650 km and most important river of Australia, his path to the south runs. Not far from our route planning to the southeast there's even a corner, where extensive water sports should be run. By late afternoon we spontaneously on the way there, Adelaide be in the rearview mirror snap, on Mt Osmond the last pictures, which passes through show the city go with their extensive suburbs in the evening haze and ... along a hilly landscape with cornfields and cattle pastures, interspersed with clumps of trees and scrub, the river of the Murray opposed. Our goal is called Mannum, a small town on the River. With the retro Zugfähre as an attractive bridge replacement, we use in light of the sun's last rays over the river and relate on a simple neighborhood place under trees on the waterfront. Exactly how it was in the spiritual idea about set on the banks deal ... there are numerous recreational craft, which suggests active water sports. Then we will be curious if we are to benefit from sporting activity. Hope we do it anyway!
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