Esperance & Cape Le Grand NP
On the evening of New Year's Day reach we are after a 560-km stage the place Esperance, starting point for the nearby Cape Le Grand NP. As already hinted at taking the country can claim "home of Australia's best beaches" to be, which means that there will be few places in this country these pearls of beautiful beaches. A glance at the accompanying picture makes this claim seem quite credible, right?
We spend a night in Esperance, because we have to do the next day, a few things. Visit to the Visitor Centre to obtain any documents and information to Cape Le Grand NP, sensing of road conditions, we must fill the fridge and our mobile Subset required for well traveled 10,000 kilometers little supply of oil and brake fluid. After a quiet night on the grounds of the local football pitch, all things done in time the next morning. Ca. 1 week, we will hardly have possibilities for shopping and the like. After visiting the Cape Le Grand NP's is not a ending line border eastwards to Adelaide across the Nullarbor Plain-, 2,000 km across the Eyre Highway. As an introduction, so to speak as a connection to this stage crossing street, waiting for a 200 km long 'Krüppelweg "on us. Since one wants to be but well prepared. For details, but later.
From Esperance in the Cape Le Grand NP is accessible via a beach slopes. Four-wheel vehicles can travel 22 km along the beach and then directly reach the entrance to the park an attractive alternative to the optional 65 km asphalt. Although we had already experienced several beach trips is that of probably the best so far. Hard to put into words, if one goes along for half an hour 2 m from the gently surging waves, with the truly crystal clear ocean to land. Once again, the photo gallery will be an expression of the picturesque scenery.
The Cape Le Grand National Park is a symbol of a symphony of color special: five gleaming white beach coves, surrounded by gray-brown granite and green Heath vegetation, in which propagates a turquoise ocean. We go to the park and discover by and by the just described bays. The jaw drops us almost off its hinges. What moves in front of our lens, which is seen so far - and is not intended to sound derogatory! - Truly in the shade. In nature, it is even more beautiful than the pictures reflect. A world, as we have previously known almost exclusively of model-table books. Simply fabulous!
control We slowly to the campsite at the Lucky Bay, the largest bay. Sandra ordered mind ever open seats, because we know we are not the only ones on a cookie squint in paradise. Their hurried prayer should be heard; discover hardly run in, we are the last free corner, we take the fitting in quickly. A full day and one night we have the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of our environment. Even semi-tame kangaroos with young in the pouch come to visit. A small petting zoo just outside the front door!
the late afternoon the following day we make our way slowly. Although we would have liked to stay longer, we must be careful in view of the unfortunately limited time budgets on finishing our tour of Australia at the pre-planned location. We deliberately do us for the route lying ahead of us enough time to leave.
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Gallery Esperance & Cape Le Grand NP |
goes to and through the Nullarbor Plain
Continue's to the adjacent Cape Arid National Park, where we stop for a night stopover . This quiet neighborhood is perfect to complete the journey Administration! :-) The next morning a
tingling thing in store for us. Rather than take a long detour to the Eyre Highway - this is the road that leads by 2,000 km across the semi-desert (Nullarbor Plain) and connects Norseman in Western Australia to Adelaide in South Australia - We choose the shortest route. Short but hard to say! 200 km on the Balladonia Track abeam through the bush, over sand, mud holes, creek-like scree slopes, vast forests and a lot of dry dust washboard roads. Not only the driving machine has to suffer, especially the co-driver can feel the adrenaline as the Landi scrapes in slope by the numerous mud puddles. Sometimes the terrain is so rocky and hard again, that only the 1st and 2 Gang is thriving. One side is too steep and too fast approached the stone is safe tire stop. And a long, complicated, stressful and in the middle of nowhere held wheel change we certainly want us ! Save
with increasing route length, the slope a little better or a little wider and you can tend to drive the optimal line. However, the surface of massive grooves passes through the chassis and worked hard. We have had a cloud of biting is fine, penetrating dust everywhere (Bulldust). After 4 hours we reach the junction to the Eyre Highway: at last tar! Indemnify and safely brings us "our horse" to the next roadhouse. There, it means increased tire pressure (followed by tons-km asphalt!), Drink a little beer and some food. Once again, we are of the off-road qualities and the reliability of our vehicle impressed. Madness what the crate must put up with, let alone what you can do so on the ground all that! :-)
Now we are on the infamous road, 2,000 km through the nothingness between Western and South Australia. The Eyre Highway crosses the Nullarbor Plain called, whose name derives from Latin and means "no trees". It is one of the largest and most karst areas in the world. Completely devoid of trees but is only the core area of this region, located north of the road. Otherwise grow on the extensive Kalktafel next bushes and low eucalypts and acacias. Cause of the sparse vegetation and crippled, the porous limestone, in which the rain water seeps immediately. The seemingly endless plane ends abruptly at the cliff, the about 70 - 100 m drop in the great Australian Bight. This sea is part whereabouts of right whales, which come from the cold Antarctic waters here in order to mate in these warmer waters, and the young are born.
We take a meditative journey eastward to attack. Sleepy desert left and right of the asphalt strip, a tough running odometer, music from Abba to Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen to Udo Jürgens in the iPod, to which we eagerly sing along and we replace at regular intervals from the cab.
In Area of the Bunda Cliffs, the landscape is more diversified, because you can see from the highway directly to the deep blue ocean and again leads to random streets viewing platforms. Often we turn to us to stretch your legs, marvel at the view and let the fresh salty sea breeze refreshing. Camped somewhere in the bushes near the road or at an abandoned farm (on the night, then showed up a whole flock of sheep - super) ... and in the morning's next. Way to start the day during 96 hours with the way he left off: Drive, drive, drive, fill up, drive, fill up and so on. So we roll, writing in the passenger seat (like right now, where this Lines arise), card reading, calculate distances, or photographing, singing, eating and drinking, steering on the driver's cab, gas-holding, with foresight, also sing along, the fuel gauge-monitoring and sometimes eating and drinking, Adelaide contrary.
With every mile, which is behind the counter is tougher and tougher! Dozens of times, the sounds turn the iPod up and down. Several times, the power inverter giving his charge and the batteries of the laptop.
And then varied the landscape to Port Augusta at last, the road winds through mountains and cornfields. After the endless straight sections, we take the winding route grateful under the wheels. Finally, show the signs for the Barossa Valley, the world famous wine region, north of Adelaide. Influenced primarily by German immigrants. The surroundings are increasingly sweeter. Bright yellow grain fields and vineyards and carefully maintained throughout drumrum manorial estates. Even well-known and especially well-known name badges lined the streets through the green Barossa Valley ... to
... until we finally enter our dirty hard dwelling in Adelaide and are glad to have brought the longest of all stages safely behind us. First we will consider the most European of Australian cities will become more accurate and Landi Service must. The rest will follow soon in this theater! Take care and see you soon!
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gallery for and by the Nullarbor Plain |
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