Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Long Should A Baby Be On Nystatin

Juragent legal fund: Berlin court sentenced good commercial

The Berlin Regional Court (LG) is now also condemned the trustee limited the Jura Gent Legal Fund IV (PKF IV) to pay damages for duty to investigate violations in connection with the accession of an investor to the PKF IV

The Berlin court confirmed that in its ruling of 16.11.210 (Ref. 27 O 310/10) of the lawyer Dr. Tamara Knöpfel lawyers from the law firm Witt, Heidelberg - Berlin, held view that the Trust corporate advisory and Trust Company Ltd. had to educate investors about the fact that the predecessor fund, in particular, had developed the PKF I, not as intended.

completed addition, the 27th Civil Chamber of the Berlin court view of the 2nd, 14th and 18 Civil Chamber of the Berlin court, it's what the brochure was incorrect, as herein no more information on the criminal history of the former CEO of Juragent AG were included. A compensation for this reason the obligation is incumbent on Juragent AG, Juragent Verwaltungs GmbH and the former CEO of Juragent AG, Mr. Mirko Heinen, personally.

concerned investors may participate in the community of interest BSZ eV Juragent .

BSZ ® federation for social and civil rights consciousness eV
Lagerstr. 49
64807 Phone: 06071-9816810

This text is the contribution from 3.8.2011 again. Possible future changes of the facts are not considered


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