As the Association of capital market law firm specializing in investor protection BSZ CLLB lawyers has already been reported, on behalf of prosecutors in Nuremberg-Fuerth in the investigation against one of the GFE Opinion of the TÜV Rheinland created. The TÜV Rheinland reviewed on behalf of the prosecutor the power distributed by the GFE generators. As reported by the prosecution presented the expert found electrical efficiency of 33.6% and 28.6%.
The GFE has advertised to potential investors with 75% efficiency. The promises of individual consultants prompted many investors to buy on the GFE cogeneration plants, which would then be leased to a rent back. Besides the promised returns, many investors would also make a meaningful investment in renewable energy.
The report, which was requested by the prosecution is, in its economic evaluation, however, to conclude that fuel, maintenance and associated costs that significantly exceed the Renewable Energy Law in principle, achievable in remuneration. The prosecutors in Nuremberg-Fuerth therefore determined to remain on suspicion of commercial and gang-fraud and is at present obviously based on a so-called pyramid scheme.
The BSZ association investor protection law firm CLLB Legal advises all affected investors, a specialized law firm to seek out and checked the existence of rights. The firm represents lawyers CLLB numerous investors in the GFE. At this stage, in particular claims for faulty investment advice to individual consultants are asserted. If necessary, however, claims against other persons are in the room. Some of the cost of providing consultants have already informed their liability insurance. If necessary. Some staff are in turn seek legal redress or relief remedies.
As the daily press was apparent, was already in December 2010 bankruptcy of the assets of GFE - Society for the Promotion of Renewable Energy Ltd. found. A complaint was apparently dismissed in the meantime by the district court in Nuremberg. With a timely decision to open insolvency proceedings is expected. If insolvency proceedings are opened, the firm advises lawyers CLLB all affected investors to lodge claims in insolvency proceedings. The BSZ association investor protection law firm has already hired lawyers CLLB by many investors with the representation of interests in insolvency proceedings.
For more information, interested investors to join the BSZ eV community of interest "GFE Group .
photo, lawyer and legal counsel BSZ eV István Cocron
BSZ ® federation for social and civil rights consciousness eV
Lagerstr. 49
64807 Phone: 06071-9816810
This text is the contribution of 02/23/2011 again. Possible future changes of the facts are not considered
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