were charged excessive fees? Affected investors may join the BSZ eV. The company Nemesis Investments, based in Zurich, Switzerland must be currently stand accused of having provided customers excessive fees.
Back in Zurich Daily News from 9/16/2010 was the alleged dubious practice reports: When a customer entrusts the people Nemesis 10,000 francs, the consultants required for 7 percent of charges and as 700 francs. The Nemesis representative had then asked the customer whether he could imagine, to create even more money later in Nemesis. If the investor notifies then, to imagine, to be managed another 100,000 francs for Nemesis and got the managers then 100,000 francs written into the contract, rather than 10,000 francs.
It has been painted, according to Zurich's Tages-Anzeiger Nemesis CHF 7,000 in fees, that 7% of 100,000 francs, even though the customer has paid only 10,000 francs, the Zurich Tages-Anzeiger.
has now condemned the District Court of Lueneburg in a ruling for Investments Nemesis unwinding of an asset management contract. According to the verdict, the company moved in 1050 Swiss francs as the Custodian of premium deposit amount in height from approximately 23 565 Swiss francs.
This shows that affected investors, who see themselves also faced nemesis of excessive charges, are more likely to have a good chance to put up a fight.
concerned investors may participate in the BSZ ® registered association interest group "Nemesis" .
Source: © Gerd Altmann / PIXELIO http://www.pixelio.de/
Source: © Gerd Altmann / PIXELIO http://www.pixelio.de/
BSZ ® federation for social and civil rights consciousness eV
Lagerstr. 49
64807 Phone: 06071-9816810
Internet: http://www.fachanwalt-hotline.eu/
This text is the contribution of 28/02/2011 again. Possible future changes of the facts are not considered.
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