Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Muscle Fat Woman Strangled Man Clips


copy approved by author Kerstin Kempker

review to

Michaela Huber: ".. Multiple Personalities survivors of extreme violence, a manual"
in: Psychosocial Umschau (Germany ), 10 Born (1995), No. 1, p. 26-27

Finally there is her, the new diagnosis in the barren no man's land between psychiatry and feminist psychotherapy:

"A Multiple is a woman who, due to a little girl of has split (sexual) abuse in several 'people', the later one after the other in control of their thinking, Feeling and behavior take over and feel as an independent 'self' "

Michaela Huber, psychotherapist, has the first German-language book about multiple personalities -.." Written, "survivors of extreme violence, a therapy manual" of history and social background of Statistics, diagnostics and forecasting to therapy, she explained to us all:

. "Since the earliest cave drawings, there are the basic forms of multiple personality" too many burned "witches" of the Middle Ages were probably "in reality, multiple personalities," "Multiple Personality Disorder (. MPS, KK) is a . Serious mental disorder that absolutely must be treated "" Psychotherapy takes a multiple in any case several hundred hours of therapy; realistic are four to eight years, "" about 1% (of the population, KK) could have a multiple personality disorder. " "No, multiple are not crazy."

Huber knows what "the truth" and "in fact" is true She takes us by the hand and leads us on repeated incantations ("Hold on!" 4x;. "Specify ! you not to "5x) through dangerous territory: Satanic rituals of torture (" The have hundreds if not thousands of children in this country also experienced "); programming ("Neutralize cue", "create partial amnesia," "Program destruction ritual") by criminal groups and deprogrammings in therapy. She warns, praises, and asks us, lulling us into almost hypnotic repetition of loops and operated according to a widespread even among critical spirits of expectation: to understand and identify the incomprehensible and to recognize evil and to know what to do on the side of good is.

What makes this paperback, which has all the ingredients of a bestseller (sex and crime, feminism, reviews, photos, the pure horror and its control), for all therapeutic utility (200 pages therapy), but ultimately so annoying and dangerous?

One is the permanent collection by the author. Why she runs mass therapy with tips to all rather than be limited to facts? As unpleasant to me was the unquestioned, sold with the Huber their opinions as the final wisdom. Are there any serious problems in the treatment of traumatized women so hard? How do they deal with the enormous power that it exercises deprogramming and mesmerizing? No word on manipulation, dependency (and financially), isolation in therapy.

handled it pretty careless with numbers. Are now "40% of schizophrenics", "all as 'schizophrenic' diagnosed mental health patients" or all "as 'Schizophrenic' diagnosed clients in fact multiple "? 40% seems to be a magic number to be, because at some point are not suddenly 40% of" schizophrenics "multiple, but 40% of multiple as 'schizophrenic' misdiagnosed.

Why Michaela Huber diagnosis MPS swallows not only as a toad, but enhances their inclusion in the international diagnostic bible DSM-III in 1980 as a success, be easier to understand when she speaks of psychiatrists, consultants, hospital managers and other authorities. For

"if someone in such a powerful position, says: 'All nonsense, the client makes you think what' (...) - then you say something about it! Then have Come on with a clean diagnosis, that you have possibly won with recognized diagnostic instruments (such as questionnaires). "

MPS can be diagnosed quite clearly, there are even" reliable discrimination possibilities between 'real' and 'wrong' multiple ', eg are in the "real" already - according to "person." - has been measured different EEG, metabolic, eye color or shoe size or spotted

The sharp demarcation between MPS and "schizophrenia" Huber is a particular concern, she asks urgently request a "fatal misdiagnosis" phenomenon. For "multiple personalities are .? Personalities Where to start, where does the person "is generally not in psychiatry," Who is inside but "Schizophrenic Schizophrenic" is the name for Huber include:

"unintelligible babbling to himself in (...); social contact may be completely inaccessible (with multiple can be 'normal' talk).

"multiple personalities but have no delusions. The voices within her tell the truth. Although there are conflicting truths often. These are the truths about the 'inner person'. (...) But this is something completely different from delusions, as we by 'real schizophrenics' Know feel they are persecuted by UFOs from outer space, or imagine a tiger on the balcony. No, multiples are not crazy. "

No, it goes even further:

" There are increasing now, the evidence that schizophrenia is more of an organic brain disorder "

And which organic causes, the zeitgeist or the. ? Homosexuality To these unbelievable things not quite take in your own mouth, quoting Huber psychiatrist Colin Ross, "one of the pioneers of modern MPS-research": "schizophrenia initially called dementia praecox (premature dementia, KK), to Bleuler the term Schizophrenia introduced. 'Dementia praecox 'is actually a better name than' schizophrenia 'for this group of disorders, while'. represents schizophrenia 'is a better name for MPS

While the madman that is terminally ill condemned to institutional life are, can the "misdiagnosed" Multiple nor help be given. The good into the pot, the bad into the crop. This new (?) Type of read and the multiple is ultimately useless, because even call Michaela Huber and Anne Juergens, author of the clinic's chapter, for multiple "especially : Clinic seats for crisis intervention and long-term treatment, most of its own car in psychosomatic and psychiatric Clinics "." Drugs are specifically applicable. "Targeted is called" People-based. It is to imagine not that trigger the main and side effects such drug cocktails in the common body of a multiple personality.

backward in seven-league boots. The first step is done: "Feminist" therapists go into the institutions that sweep the plain "schizophrenic" on the end stations and show their colleagues and superiors, that they dominate psychiatric diagnosis and seriously are

Frankfurt am Main. Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag 1995. DM 19.90
© 1995 by Kerstin Kempker All rights reserved.

criticism by the author
My daughter, who was treated by co-author Anne Juergens,

presented after more than 30 years of alleged child sexual abuse victims of an application for compensation as a DIS-sick with the same almost word descriptions from the book.
He and other 13 of 14 applications were rejected by the welfare office, because
diagnoses of multiple personality were unfounded and seemed
sexual Kindesmißbräuche induced in therapy.
seems to me the book as a marketing document for bad treatments and therapies in a
apodictic style and delusional ideas.


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